Maker’s Day (8.3.2024) at The Chattanooga Public Library

We had a wonderful time at the library’s Maker’s Day event this past weekend. I’m so grateful that the library let us set up a table and do our thing. We set the table up so people walking by could animate! Folks were animating cars, pumpkins, pawns and even small pink flamingos.

It was a blast! We had over 30 different takes! All ages too with the youngest being around 5 I’d guess? There were so many people and so many different mediums of work. The sense of community was really nice. So many creative people all in a single place that nurtures creativity and learning… 


 I had a triggered moment (or maybe I should say glimmered) where I thought back about the time I spent in the library as a child in school. It was a refuge. Bullies didn’t hang out in the library. CS Lewis and Lewis Carroll did.

I concatenated some of the animations from the event into a single video. That’s what you see here. Check it out!!!

The face people make when they click play and see what they’ve just been animating come to life is priceless and electrifying. It’s an expression of wonder and joy. What a wonderful day. Support your library!!!! 
